Protea Residence provides lodging for 270 students on the Mahikeng Campus of the NWU.

Protea is a Male Residence.


There are 90 single rooms and 90 double rooms, each of which has a bed, desk with chair and cupboard. There is also internet connectivity.

Other facilities:

  • Bathrooms: There are four bathrooms fitted with showers, toilets and basins per floor.
  • Kitchens: There are 2 kitchens per floor, fitted with stoves, a microwave, a refrigerator and hydro-boiler each.
  • Laundry:  There is a communal laundry fitted with 10x washing machines and 10x tumble dryers.
  • Rec Hall:
    • TV - DSTV
    • WiFi
    • Bathrooms

House Parent: 

Ms Innocentia Mphuthi

Work: +27 (0)18 389 2457


Residence Officer

Tebogo Mokgatlhe

Work: +27 (0)18 389 9027
