The word Laureus means “victory” in Latin. In addition, Laureus men’s residence motto, “Vicentius”, means “in the struggle”. The symbol of Laureus men’s residence, the buffalo, serves as inspiration for our humanity and internal residence spirit. The Africa buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is a strong, formidable, daunting and unpredictable species. They are a close, highly social species that live according to a linear hierarchy. The buffalo is a herd animal with a camaraderie that is visible in the well-known way in which they stand together and fight together as a unit in times of struggle and emergency. With me I have my herd, my fellow buffaloes, my friends, my brothers. We are like one man. One for all, and all for one. We are there for each other, because we love each other. We form a tight, formidable unit that does not back away from anyone or anything. Unity is strength – Laureus Vicentius.

Our vision and mission

Laureus wants to create an environment where God is honoured. Each resident has to develop his full potential and has to have an influence that has value for eternity.

Our values

Values are principles or standards of behaviour that one expresses in one’s daily interaction with people. It is a person’s judgement that is important in life. Laureus has five core values that we incorporate to become men of character, namely integrity, willingness to serve, excellence, respect and brotherhood. 

Together with our 5 core values, we also get wisdom and insight from the following verse:
Ps. 92:11 – “You have exalted my horn like that of a wild ox; fine oils have been poured on me"

Laureus men’s residence most important value is surely brotherhood. We see our fellow residents as brothers, we are there for each other because we love each other. Here, in the home of the great and mighty buffalo, we believe that a residence is not merely an affordable place to stay, but a home in which you can grow and belong. It is a home where you share love and loss and good times and bad times with all those who share the home with you.


Laureus initially consisted of one residence building (now Ratau South) and three West Campus houses. In 2004 the three West Campus houses was taken away from the residence and Laureus became the smallest university residence in the Southern hemisphere. There was only 81 residents. From January 2012 to June 2013 Laureus’s residents lived in Kom-en-Gaan. It was their temporary residence while the brand new hostel building, which can now house 253 residents, was built next to Kom-en-Gaan. The first-year group of 2013 was the first group in 12 years that included a record number 90 new bulls! It is amazing that in only 13 years, so many platinum stories have seen the light. It is clear that Laureus men’s residence is blessed by God. To Him all the glory.