Hello and welcome to Khayelitsha residence!

My name is Omphemele kaBophelo Seleke and I am your Residence officer for Khayelitsha.

Having lived in Mahikeng – lovingly known as Maf-Town – for over two decades as a resident and student at the North-West University’s campus in Mahikeng, I can assure you that you are in for an amazing experience in a truly outstanding residence and campus.

My office is located at the main residence entrance opposite the security personnel office, so you will no doubt see me walking around the residence grounds as I go about my day. Please feel free to stop in and say ‘hi’. As a product of the NWU, I know how truly impactful this institution and community can be; I would love to hear about your experiences. For many of you this will be your first time at university and being far from home for the period you will be here with us. You’ll find your transition might come with some challenges. Rest assured, however; you have been adopted into a welcoming family here at Khayelitsha residence of the North-West University (NWU), one that so deeply wishes you to have a successful university experience, and one that will do everything in its power to aid in that endeavour. Of course, some of the onus will also fall on you; remember to take care of yourself, look out for the well-being of those around you, and treat Khayelitsha as your home.

During your residence experience you will come to form relationships with all kinds of people that will work hard to ensure your year is filled with lasting memories, great friendships, developmental opportunities, and most importantly, lots of FUN.

The residence staff, returning residence students, and the residence House Committee (HC) have all chosen to dedicate their year to make your residence the greatest success it can be. From your first day in residence to your last, you will come to know them as friends and mentors.

Welcome to the Khayelitsha family, and I look forward to meeting all of you!


See you soon
