LaVaria doesn't offer accommodation, but gives students who make use of private accommodation the opportunity to still enjoy the unique NWU student life experience in residence format.
LaVaria Day House was established in 2006. LaVaria is the youngest residence on the NWU Potchefstroom Campus, celebrating our 18th birthday in 2024.
The name “LaVaria” is Latin and means “eenheid in verskeidenheid/Unity in Diversity.” Our hostel's motto is “eenheid in verskeidenheid/Unity in diversity,” and we say these words with pride.
The eight lines of our emblem form part of our motto. The lines may not look the same, but together we form a diverse and positive whole. LaVaria is also well known for being the only pink residence on this campus and we cannot be missed when we wear our formals with pride on Mondays.
Our chapters embody the values of our residence and ladies. Our chapter names are: Unique, Loving, Daring, Crazy, Spontaneous, Wild, Loud, Happy, Loyal, and Original.
Unique characteristics of the residence
- We are the only pink residence on campus.
- We are the youngest lady’s residence on the NWU Potchefstroom Campus
- Our mascot is popcorn to symbolise our popping personalities.
- LaVaria is based on a Storybook and each Chapter represents a value a LaVaria lady lives by. These 10 values also represent our ‘passages’ in the residence. Because we do not have a set accommodation, our ladies are divided into chapters where they participate in activities, and sometimes the chapters compete against each other to see who the best chapter at the end of the year is.
Additional information/ funfacts/ traditions
A very special tradition in LaVaria is our Balloon tradition that takes place during Senior Meet and Greet.
The balloon tradition is very special to us as a residence because it is the first time the first years meet the seniors in the residence. Every lady gets the opportunity to write their dreams and hopes for the year on the balloon and at the end, everyone let’s go of their balloon and we send up our hopes and dreams to the Lord.
What do the balloon, and the string symbolise:
The Balloon: Represents the House Committee and Residence Parents.
Helium: Represents all the ladies of LaVaria.
String: Represents the Lord who keeps us all together, because without him nothing is possible.
Additional information:
Each year, we have an Internal mother-and-daughter week, during which the ladies in the residence can ask a senior to be their residence mother. A residence mother is a mentor and emotional support system. They are there to assist and be like a mommy for most of the first years. They are also there to assist with the transition from high school to university and help the ladies settle in and feel comfortable and safe.