Potchefstroom Campus

North West Student Land Service

The Land Service Movement is an environment-oriented youth movement that is accessible to everyone. The movement strives to improve the love for, as well as the protection of the environment and the natural resources.

These values are incorporated within the unraveling of the youth, their talents, and spiritual equipment to help the youth deal with the challenges and problems that arise during their time. Mutual appreciation and respect for other cultures are stimulated in Land Service members.

The Land Service Movement contributes substantially to the delivery of citizens who make a difference, who are responsible, diligent, loyal, self-confident, life skilled, and have initiative. The Land Service Movement leads the youth to a balanced adulthood.

Contact Stephnie Fritz


Die Voortrekkers – Mooirivier Staatmakers:

Die Voortrekkers is ‘n kultuurbeweging wat die moderne Afrikaner bemagtig om as positiewe burgers en konsekwente Christene suksesvol te wees in alles wat ons doen en aanpak. Mooirivier Staatmakers is dus die Afrikaanse jeugbeweging van jong volwassenes (studente) in Potchefstroom. Ons doel is om leierskap te ontwikkel met betrekking tot spanbou aktiwiteite.

Die samestelling van die wapen:

Die wiel – Die wiel is die voorwiel van ‘n kakebeenwa. Dit dui op beweging en vooruitgang. Die Voortrekkers moet steeds vorentoe beweeg, ontwikkel en aanpassings maak. Die tien speke van die wiel verteenwoordig die 10 Voortrekkerkodes.
Die fakkel – In die Voortrekkerwapen word die lig deur die fakkel voorgestel. ‘n Vlam versprei lig en daarom moet ons as Voortrekkers ook ons kennis en ons liefde vir God en ons land, na ander rondom ons versprei. Vandag se Voortrekkers kan ‘n verskil maak deur om ons lig te laat skyn.
Die leuse – Die Bybel is vir ons soos ‘n kompas wat vir ons die rigting aandui. As jy die rigting volg wat ‘n kompas aandui, sê ons jy hou koers.

Contact Koos Muller


Vanderbijlpark Campus

Soul Expression

Soul Expression is a dynamic, friendly and creative society in the NWU-VTC that caters for all artistic abilities and their followers. Our biggest goal is to bring art to life on campus by giving our members a platform to showcase their work and opportunities to collaborate with other artists as well as be part of a broader art loving community. So be it you write, sing, draw or dance your heart out ...come express your soul, your way, with Soul Expression!

Contact Ntokozo Khoza

DRAMA THERAPY/ North West University Drama Society 

Drama Therapy was born out of the realization that some life experiences and wounds are too painful to address through verbal dialogue alone. Because drama uses metaphor to express emotion, we saw fit to engage perfomance as a way of healing and uplifting spirits through drama and poetry.

Contact Mpho Masike

Isibuko Samasiko

As the Isibuko Samasiko Cultural Structure we commit ourselves to advancing the art, culture, education and heritage of our Rainbow Nation within the NWU. We intend to do this by providing and supporting traditional activities by means of exposure to cultural diversity as well as respect, traditional dancing, indigenous games and fostering the spirit of Ubuntu. We look forward to having you join us!

Contact Silver Gwebu

New Ensemble

As the NWU ENSEMBLE we motivate and encourage people within and outside the premises of the North West University. (Collegare le anime attraverso la musica)- Connecting souls through music. We aim to develop into a better Ensemble as to accommodate every genre of music and enhance one another’s’ experience in the band. To provide music as a way of creating a remedy to deal with anxiety, depression and stress associated with academics.

Contact Boitshepo Maine