Bellatrix doesn't offer accommodation, but gives students who make use of private accommodation the opportunity to still enjoy the unique NWU student life experience in residence format.

Sisters are like stars, you can't always see them, but you know they're always there”. At Bellatrix, we pride ourselves on being ‘THE’ ladies on campus & having a strong sisterly bond where every Trixie is given the space to embrace her uniqueness and uplift one another to reach their full potential. We are a close-knit family, bursting with pride for our residence. We offer all the opportunities you will find at a campus residence, while living in your own space/accommodation in town. We strive to turn today’s opportunities into tomorrow’s meaningful history, and we encourage our fellow Trixie’s to use their unique talents to flourish within their journey at the NWU.

Bellatrix is the biggest residence (day house) at the NWU Potchefstroom Campus. We have grown to over 700 ladies who strive each day to be better than yesterday and whose dreams for the future take flight during the time of inspiration and growth spent at Bellatrix. We strive to turn today’s opportunities into tomorrow’s meaningful history, and we encourage our fellow Trixie’s to use their unique talents to flourish within their journey at the NWU. We lead actively involved student lives and we are very competitive when it comes to academics, sports, and arts and culture. We celebrate our victories by having a balanced social calendar, however we always ensure to give back to our community with SRCS and RAG. We are sure to leave a piece of our hearts, along with a little blue glitter, wherever we go.

Day House Vision

Our dream is that Bellatrix will be the ladies' day house of choice on the NWU Potchefstroom Campus, celebrating each of our ladies’ unique contributions, talents, and skills.

Day House Mission

  • Creating a safe environment in which each member of the day house can be herself and express herself to the fullest.
  • Actively implementing values of integrity, respect, inclusivity, humility, utility, to live up to charity, kindness, and other shared core values of the NWU.
  • Inspiring all the ladies to find their own unique destiny, way, and dreams by exposing them to various opportunities, resources, and initiatives.


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