Residence mother: Christi Cloete 


Dear new Dinki first year

You’ve heard many stories about university life, and I'm sure the phrase “Your university years are the best years of your life” was one of them. And it’s all true! You are on the threshold of being a student and new things await you. You are excited but also a little scared of what is to come.

There is room for everyone, because in Dinki we let the sun shine on each other. We build each other up, carry each other’s burdens and make sure that we bring out the best in each other.

If values and respect form a big part of your vocabulary and humanity, you will quickly feel at home. Here we may differ from one another, provided it is done with respect. It is precisely our uniqueness that make us a colourful residence.

You are going to make friends like never before and that is why we focus on developing each other’s best qualities. This is a family that supports each other, that stands together and protects each other's honour and reputation wherever we go.

It is such a privilege to be a woman and that is why we want to help you develop your womanhood, your uniqueness and your talents. It is a place where we help each other to be a better person than the day before. We are a cheerful bunch who can chat, laugh, play and make jokes. But we also make time for the deeper and more serious things in life. When we play, we play hard. When we work, we work hard. And through it all we strive to give our best and we live as grateful young women who make a difference in the lives of others.

Your womanhood is your crown. Your word is your honour. Your talent is from God and what you give back is your gift to Him. We honour God, each other and ourselves.

Your place is ready; we are waiting for you!




Mrs Christi Cloete
Work: 018 385 2763