“Groen vir lewe en groei. Wit vir Reinheid. Pers vir Koninklikheid.”

In 1927, the very first men's residence and permanent building on the NWU was built, named HEIMAT.

HEIMAT is a German word that, when translated, means "Fatherland." This is our Fatherland.

A HEIMAT man is known for his untameable spirit, a man who puts his values and faith in God first. He will walk the unknown path, and if he falls, he will rise. And when he rises, he will run. We do not wither under pressure; we rather see challenges as opportunities to grow. The gentlemen on campus who hold respect for others in high regard, yet still stand proudly as a man and never backs down. With your royal brothers by your side, who walk the path with you, as a HEIMAT man, you will never find yourself alone. HEIMAT has a proud and rich history, but we will never miss the opportunity to improve and take our residence forward.

“Die manne van HEIMAT bloedbroers bloed…”

We are Proud of our motto and it burns deep in our being. My friends, my family, my brothers.

Hated by many

Loved by few

Respected by all.



Being one of the leading men’s residence on campus, by cultivating pride and passion in one another and establishing a unit of brotherhood, and by setting the standard with self-confidence and managing it dynamically.


  • Striving for honesty, openness and trust.
  • Forging an unbreakable friendship.
  • Encouraging participation in residence activities.
  • Offering support and help to each other at all times.
  • Leaving things better than we found them.
  • Creating opportunities for the residence to engage and to grow.
  • Treating seniors like royalty and making first years feel at home.
  • Honouring God, no matter if we win or lose.

Fun facts

  • HEIMAT is a true home, not built with bricks, but with brotherly bonds.
  • The HEIMAT building is the oldest building on campus, built in 1927.
  • We always write HEIMAT in capital letters.
  • HEIMAT men are known as the gentlemen on campus.
  • HEIMAT was one of the first residences.
  • HEIMAT’s clubhouse is called the “Klapheis”.
  • HEIMAT’s year-end celebration is the “Tour de HEIMAT”.


So why choose HEIMAT?

Because you want to be part of the BEST while you enjoy your student life to the fullest. Make an informed choice!


Why choose a town residence?

HEIMAT is a town residence. This means that all the students at HEIMAT live in private accommodation such as flats or houses. Housing services that might come in handy:

Pukkie Verblyf (Johann Haupt) and CampusKey (Jaco Marais).


Why should you join a town residence? The answer:

So that you can participate in the unique student life at the NWU Potchefstroom Campus. Without HEIMAT you cannot participate in residence sports, you cannot participate in cultural activities, and you cannot participate in the registration and orientation programme.