There is a place out there on the NWU Potchefstroom Campus. It’s called Hombré men’s residence. Here we all live and play together and work for His glorious name.

This is not only an extract from our residence anthem but also truly an undertaking of every bull in Hombré. Hombré is one of the oldest men’s residences on campus, and not without reason. Hombré has stood the test of time.


Male students who came to study after military service were housed in Die Skuur since 1974.In 1976 the residence North of the campus, was divided into Skuur-Suid and Skuur-Noord Skuur-Suid was housed in the Asbesnes until 1990, which has since been demolished In 1987 the PU for CHE Council approved the name change from Skuur-Suid to Hombre. Hombré moved to Here XVII on the Southern part of the campus in 1990.Here XVII was one of the then Potchefstroom College of Education [POK] male residences In 1991, Here XVIl's name was changed to Hombre, which remained so until the end of 2000 Hombré moves out and the building is renamed and is still known today as Kom-en-Gaan In 2000 Hombré moved to Barnard House, which was formerly a ladies' residence of the POK The building's name is changed to Hombré, as we still know it today.

Hombré vision

Excellence through discipline, class and unity.

Hombré mission

Hombré is a tradition-rich residence that shapes Bulls with values. Hombré is also a residence that, through faith, brotherhood, pride and mutual respect, empowers its residents to reach their full potential for the benefit of the community, the University and Hombré Men's Hostel.

Hombré values

  • Pride
  • Respect
  • Brotherhood
  • Unity 
  • Loyalty 
  • Integrity 
  • Humbleness 
  • Friendliness 
  • Responsibility
  • Human dignity


We are the only residence to walk around with kudu horns in our formals and that make us stand out. Hombré is the smallest Mens Residence on campus , that’s why the brotherhood in this house is something to be proud of.

Hombré motto

The older the bull, the harder the horn.