
"Her foundations were built in 1961. Huis Republiek, we’re for you"

These words will give you goosebumps throughout your time at university and in the residence, will make you sing along at the top of your voice and realise: “This is where I belong”.

Our vision

With loyalty towards and respect for each other we want to achieve Huis Republiek’s full potential. We have passion, we have pride and with initiative we will progress, but always with the necessary integrity.

Our mission

  • Making a real contribution to the preservation, actualisation and development of the norms and values of the Huis Republiek and the North-West University.

  • Creating a sound religious, academic, social and multicultural atmosphere in the residence for every resident.

  • The practical expression and promotion of values and attributes such as loyalty, honesty, hospitality, civility, reliability, acceptable social behaviour, mutual respect and the other values of the NWU Potchefstroom Campus.


Our motto of the residence is “Femininity with a touch of otherness” – where everyone is welcome, radiating their own touch of otherness. The emblem of the residence, the Toeternoelie, is a freedom bird that represents diversity and uniqueness.


Huis Republiek has 222 proud residents, and each one will become your Repie sister. Our home is full of rich residence traditions. Once your flame for Huis Republiek is burning, it cannot be tamed. We are one of two ladies’ residences on the campus where you can live in a single room from your first year in one of our eight corridors: Allamapstieks, Aphrodite, Caritas, Femme Fatale, Makiti, Hunky Dory, Mirre and Welwitchia.

Huis Republiek…a positive attitude makes all burdens lighter!