Development Programmes

Students’ Representative Council (SRC) and the Students’ Campus Council (SCC)

The SRC and SCCs Training and Development Programme is essential for creating an inclusive environment that fosters holistic development of student leaders. This programme ensures that student leaders are equipped with the necessary skills to effectively lead student life, achieve student success, and maintain optimal academic performance. The training focuses on procedural, organizational, practical, and soft/people skills to help student leaders execute their duties and achieve their specific goals.

Subordinate Leadership Structures

Portfolio Committees (PC), House Committees (HC), and Student Academic Chapters (SAC)

PCs, HCs, and SACs annually go through leadership training and development. The purpose is to equip the student leaders with the necessary procedural, organisational/practical and soft/people skills to enable them to effectively execute their duties.


Peer-helpers are selected based on specific criteria, thoroughly trained, and are fuelled by their selfless will to help others. They provide basic emotional and psycho-social support to students both on campus and off-campus. Peer-helpers coordinate, implement, and report on at least four student wellbeing and psycho-social programs on campus. Their training, supervision, and coordination are managed by Student Counselling and Development (SCD) and the Student Campus Council: Deputy Chairperson.