Wag-`n-Bietjie has 83 single rooms and 84 double rooms to house the 251 residents. In your first and second year you share a room with a roommate. The rooms are readily furnished with two beds and matrasses, two double door closets, two desks and chairs, a pin board, a towel rail, a heater for during the Winter, two internet points and a beeper so that people in the foyer can check if you are in your room or not. There are also blinds in front of the windows.
On every corridor there is an open plan kitchen and lounge area. Each kitchen has a water filter, a water tank with cold and boiling water, double basin The kitchen and lounge are shared by the 42 girls living on the corridor.
Amount of rooms
Wag-`n-Bietjie has 83 single rooms and 84 double rooms to house the 251 residents. In your first and second year you share a room with a roommate. The rooms are readily furnished with two beds and matrasses, two double door closets, two desks and chairs, a pin board, a towel rail, a heater for during the winter and two internet points. The windows also have blinds.
On each corridor there are three bathrooms. The double room bathrooms has three showers, one bath, two toilettes and four basins. The single room bathrooms have one shower, one toilette and one basin.
Washing rooms
The residence has 4 washing rooms, 2 in every block. Every washing room has two washing machines and 2 dryers as well as 3 ironing points and drying racks. Every hostel resident has at least two hours a week to wash their washing
Additional facilities
Braai area: A cozy area outside of the residence where ladies can relax and catch up with friends. We also hold social events here and we have our residence meetings here.
The computer room: A room with 5 computers with unlimited internet access that is available 24/7 for all the residents.
Bicycle shed: A safe place where any resident is welcome to store her bike or scooter.