Klawerhof ladies residence is built on pure happiness. Each and every Klawerhof women has the opportunity to grow freely. We boast a beautiful residence that is well-situated on the NWU Potchefstroom campus and the foundation of this beautiful hostel is pure Klawerhof pride. We are known for our spacious rooms, strong sisterhood and the manner in which every Klawerhof lady has the residence at heart and expresses the value-driven attitude of the residence on campus.

“Hold on tight you know she’s a little bit dangerous” – it is in this residence where every Klawerhof woman works hard and in this way finds her joy! So hold on, she will open doors for you!


“To be a passionate and value-driven residence that performs with balance and finesse.”


  • To experience personal growth on the inside and the outside.
  • To help the unit develop as a family, so that Klawerhof can really be our “home away from home”.
  • To express our pride in our residence with involvement everywhere and in everything.
  • To emit steadfastness and in this way, to help up those who are struggling.
  • To function as a unit in a balanced and motivated way and, above all, to treat others as I want to be treated myself.