<<Back to registration>>

To make the registration process as easy as possible, the important steps are listed below in the order that you need to complete them.

Step 1: Look out for your Student Portal login credentials (MySIS credentials)

  • Your Student Portal login credentials (MySIS credentials) will be sent from no-reply@nwu.ac.za, to the following email addresses:
    • Your personal email address (the email address you used when you applied to the NWU, i.e. Gmail, Yahoo, etc.); and
    • Your MyNWU email address on Outlook (refer to the below note*)
  • The email with your MySIS credentials from no-reply@nwu.ac.za will look like this:

MySIS email

  • These MySIS login credentials must be used to log into the Student Portal (this Student Portal hosts the registration portal where you will finalise your registration and online payment).

*Remember to set up your MyNWU email address:

  • You must activate your MyNWU email address as soon as possible (refer to this infographic for assistance)
  • After the registration period, your MyNWU email account will be the only email address used by the NWU to communicate with you.
  • Should you struggle to download Outlook desktop client, you can also log into your MyNWU email address via the Webmail client:
    • Choose the Work/School option.
    • When asked between NWU Single Sign-on and Active directory, choose Active directory.

Step 2: Access your student portal

  • Access the Student Portal here. Please do not open multiple versions of the Student Portal on a single screen or device, as the portal may remember your previous login, which could cause issues. Please ensure you sign out of your account by clicking the User icon at the top of the Student Portal before logging in again.
  • Select the "Student Portal Homepage" button

Self Service Portal homepage

  • When you arrive on the following screen, enter your MySIS login credentials (see Step 1). If you already have an account logged into the Microsoft platform, you will need to add another account and enter your MySIS credentials:

Microsoft sign-in window

•    Remember, your MySIS credentials were sent to both your MyNWU email account AND the email account you used when you applied to the NWU. See the example from Step 1 again:

MySIS email

  • The Student Portal is where you can track your progress, pay your minimum fees, upload documents, class resources, calendar, and so much more.

Step 3: Minimum fees payable

There are two options you can follow when paying your minimum fees and student account:

  • Option 1:
    • Access the payment portal via the Student Portal by using your MySIS login credentials (as was explained in Step 1).
    • Choose the "Online Payment" option to proceed. See for example:

SIS Online Payment window


  • Option 2:

(To navigate the payment portal, follow the steps outlined in this infographic)

Payment portal option for registration



  • After selecting the student option, click on the option relevant to your transaction. To pay you minimum fees select “Student Account”. See below.

Student portal instructions

  • Under “Payment Portal Authentication” select the option “Student and Employee Authentication”, see below:

Payment portal instructions

REMEMBER! If you are a cash-paying student, you must use your student number as your reference number when paying the minimum fees.

Step 4: Uploading financial documents, NWU bursaries, AOD and travel allowances

**The following step is only applicable to bursary and loan funded students who are required to upload supporting financial documentation.


Upload your financial documents

  • To upload financial documentation, such as bursary and loan letters, go to the “My Documents” tab on the Student Portal and selecting the “Document Center”. See below example:

Document Center navigation


NWU bursaries, AOD and travel allowances

NWU bursaries, AODs and travel allowances are all accessed under the “My Bursaries” tab on the Student Portal, see below:

My bursaries navigation on the Student Portal


NWU bursaries

  • You can apply for NWU bursaries by accessing the “My Bursaries” tab.
  • The following NWU bursaries must be applied for by the student on the Student Portal:
    • Leadership (school head boy/girl) [First-year students ONLY]
    • Arts & Culture [First-year students ONLY]
    • Family Discount
    • Orphan
    • Foster Care
    • Disability
  • The following NWU bursaries are automatically applied to the student account, therefore no application is required:
    • Academic merits
    • Honours (1 year)
    • Master’s (3 years)
    • Doctoral (4 years)


Acknowledgement of debt (AOD) [returning NSFAS sudents only]

  • Only returning NSFAS students with outstanding debt are eligible to sign an AOD to register.
  • The AOD can be accessed under the “My Bursaries” tab, via the “AOD” tab on the Student Portal.

Travel allowances (TRA)

  • Travel allowances are accessed via the “TRA” button.
  • Students eligible for travel allowances should submit their request here, where they will be guided by the system on the information and lease agreement they need to submit.

Step 5: Preparing to register (Class timetable)

Before choosing your courses (previously known as modules) for your individualised class timetable, ensure that you follow the steps as set out directly below. Completing these steps prior to your registration will ensure that you select the correct class times that correlates with your programme and class mates.
You must choose the correct course group to register for, or you will encounter lecture clashes, may find yourself in a class group which is not relevant for your specific curriculum, and then you will miss important lecture- and assessment information and communication.


Building your class timetable


  1. Refer to your final offer letter to get your programme version name (i.e. the name of the programme you are registering for). For example: Bachelor of Commerce In Economic Sciences With International Trade.
  2. Access the relevant Excel file below for your Faculty.
  3. In column A, your year level has been preselected as “Year 1” (i.e., a First-year student).

  4. In column B you need to filter/select your campus using the drop-down arrows in line 1.

  5. In column C, your Faculty has been pre-selected.

  6. In column D you need to filter/select your programme version, making sure the name is the same as is indicated in your final offer letter.

  7. In column E you will see all the course codes (previously known as modules) you must register for. Keep this list at hand, as you will need to refer back to it during the registration process when you will be confirming your class timetable.

  8. Don’t worry, the codes you see in the excel will be the same codes you see on the registration platform to compare. A short description of what each code means will also display on the registration platform.

  9. To understand course codes, the following abbreviations are relevant:

Example of a course code:


What does ABCD111 mean?

This part of the code refers to the actual course code, indicating the year level and which semester the course is taken. This will be different for each course you take.

What does the XXX mean?

This part of the course code has a few variations, namely:

  • ABCD11_PME_001 = the class is offered in English.
  • ABCD111_PMA_001 = the class is offered in Afrikaans.

For the above examples, you have an option to choose either English or Afrikaans.

  • ABCD111_SME_001 = the class is only offered in English.
  • ABCD111_SMA_001 = the class is only offered in Afrikaans.
  • ABCD111_TRN_001 = translation services are available for this class, (only on Potchefstroom Campus)
  • ABCD111_LAN_001 = this class is presented in another language, for example Setswana, German, French, etc. This is a language module and offered in that specific language.
  • ABCD111_SSM_001 = there is only one group available for this course.

What does 001 mean?

This part of the code indicates the group number you are allocated to and can vary from 001 until 099. Pick the group you are assigned to as per the Excel sheet.

Here is an example of what you will see:


ECON112 = Basic Micro-economics

PME = this class is offered in English

001 = this is group 1.

Take note!

For the course ALDE/ALDA, the XXX code will refer to your Faculty.

For example:

ALDE111_EMS_001 = Economic and Management Sciences

ALDE111_ENG_001 = Engineering

ALDE111_EDU_001 = Education

ALDE111_HSC_001 = Health Sciences

ALDE111_HUM_001 = Humanities

ALDE111_LAW_001 = Law

ALDE111_NAS_001 = Natural and Agricultural Sciences

ALDE111_THE_001 = Theology

If you need more detailed information on your programme version or the courses you need to register for, you can refer to your Faculty Yearbook.


Step 6: Registration

Before accessing the registration portal, watch this registration guide video as it will explain each step of the registration platform and give you examples of the screens and sections you will see.


There are two options to access the registration portal:


Option 1

Click on this direct registration portal link. This portal will only be available to you if your minimum payable fees have been updated in the system.


Option 2

Access the registration portal via the Student Portal, see below example:

Registration portal navigation in student portal


#1 Important! Disable the pop-up blocker on your browser

Deactivate pop-up blocker: When you access the registration page on the Student Portal and the pop-up blocker on the browser you are using is activated, a notification will appear towards the top of your screen. Click on this notification immediately and follow the options to disable the blocker.

If the notification doesn’t appear or you prefer adjusting your settings manually, follow these steps to adjust your browser settings:

  • Click on “Settings” and then the “More” icon (three dots) at the top-right corner of your browser.
  • Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  • In the left-hand menu, select “Cookies and Site Permissions”.
  • Under “All Permissions”, choose “Pop-ups and Redirects”.
  • In the “Allow” section, click “Add”. Type/copy the URL of the registration page (https://siscurriculumplan-100997.campusnexus.cloud/registration/) into the dialog box, then click “Add”.

Once you’ve added the URL, it will appear in your Allow list, enabling pop-ups for the Student Portal registration page.

By following these instructions, you can ensure a smoother registration experience without interruptions from pop-up blockers.


#2 Course registration policy

Before you start, read through the terms and conditions carefully and click “Accept” and start registration.

Accepting terms and conditions when registering


#3 Course offering

When you arrive at the page “Course Offering”, this is where you will select the courses for your programme version. You will also see the short description of each course (for example, ECON122 = Introduction to Macro-Economics). See below example:

Instructions on course offering

Take note of the following registration conflicts:

Registration Conflicts

  • Minimum Credit Conflict

If you try to register for fewer credits as what is required, you will get a Registration Conflict message and will not be able to Submit.

  • Schedule Conflict

If here is a schedule conflict with another course that was selected, you will have to choose a different schedule for the course that has a conflict.

  • Prerequisite Conflict

When a course has a prerequisite, you will not be able to register for the course if the prerequisite is not selected as well.  

Should the prerequisite course not be selected in Year 1 Semester 1, the system will not allow you to register for the course in Year 1 Semester 2.


#4 Course sections

The preparation you completed as part of Step 5 above will be used when you arrive at the page “Course Sections” (see below example). Looking at the third column from the left (“Section”), you need to add the option that matches the course code you identified on the Excel sheet during Step 5.

Make sure that you pick the time and class that is allocated to your course so that you will have the same classes as the other students registered for your programme version. DO NOT pick options in the schedule at random or that fit your personal preferences, as this will create clashes in your class timetable.  

To register for the correct course, click on the green button (Green button ) marked below. Once you have selected the course, the button will be red (red button ).

If you have made the wrong selection, just click on the red ( red button) button to unregister/remove the course.



course selection instruction

Step 7: Download your proof of registration

See the example below of how you can download your proof of registration:

Proof of registration via student portal


Click on the “generate” button to get your proof of registration.


How to generate proof of registration

Step 8: Navigate and explore the student portal

The Student Portal is where you can track your progress, view your finances, documents, class resources, calendar, and so much more. Refer to infographic on how to navigate the Student Portal.

This is also where you can find the Student Helpdesk, where you can download your student records, submit requests and report issues relating to assessments, results, graduations, IT support, etc.


Registration Navigator

By this point, you have had to process a lot of information. If you are feeling overwhelmed, please make use of our Registration Navigator. This handy tool will take you through all the helpful hints, registration steps and available resources with added extras to guide you through this journey.

Get the Registration Navigator here