“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" - Proverbs 27:17

Be close enough to sharpen your friend. Be close enough and open enough to be sharpened yourself. There are few things in life that always remain the same. Everything is changing. You can experience this positively or negatively, and it can cause you to grow in a positive or negative direction. The positive word is to SHAPE, to be moulded. And friends have a responsibility towards each other in this regard. We should be like iron.

  • Friends should live close enough to each other to care, to be involved, and to be open enough so that they can influence each other.
  • Friends sometimes have to be as hard as iron to truly shape the each other. When someone makes a mistake, a good friend should be hard as iron to hone away the imperfections.
  • Friends also have to have a gentleness, a willingness to be shaped. He would stubbornly opposes the good influence of good friends is a fool.
  • In Over de Voor we are brothers, sincere friends who live intimately so that we can shape each other and be shaped.


Resident Parent Resident Officer
Philip Malan Janice Möller
Work: 018 299 4564 Work: 018 299 1176
House: 018 299 1174 Email: Janice.Moller@nwu.ac.za
Email: Philip.Malan@nwu.ac.za