Amount of rooms:
Karlien Ladies Residence consists out of 100 rooms and a total of 100 ladies. First and second years stay in a double room and get placed with a roommate. In Karlien you call your roommate a chamber. Your chamber gets chosen based on your “Get to know you” form and based upon that we match girls who are compatible with one another. The form is sent out prior to move-in day. First years are made aware of their chambers to ensure necessary discussions take place before moving in.
From your third year you can “shoot” for a single room based on your “shooting” points.
Each corridor has two bathrooms that are identical on opposite sides of the corridor. A bathroom consists out of four showers and two baths adding to a total amount of eight showers and four baths on each corridor.
Karlien consists of seven corridors: Carissimo, Twice as Nice, Bon Amie, 4x4, Vystêr, Festivus and Du Hast Mich.
Each corridor is lead by a House Committee member, however Carissimo, 4x4 and Vystêr have an extra HC member. Corridors compete in fun activities in hopes of winning corridor of the year.
- Carissimo
The meaning of Carissimo is “An atmosphere of growing love”. Here we grow together as a family to shape the first floor of Karlien. We are full of life, and we always stand tall, just like our corridor mascot, the Giraffe.
- Twice as Nice
Twice as Nice is the second floor of Karlien. Our motto is ‘Conquer the Seas’. It’s about trying to achieve everything you can. Here we stick together, never give up. We believe there is always hope even in tough situations. Like finding a lighthouse in a storm or solid ground when getting in too deep.
- Bon Amie
Bon Amie is a very special place and will very quickly become your home away from home. If you are looking for a place to make lifelong memories and friends, this is it! Bon Amie is a French term that means "Between Friends". The "E" from Bon Amie was added to the name in 2016 in honour of Elinza Mostert. In 2020 wine was brought in as one of our symbols. Bon Amie is a vibrant and passionate corridor where you will immediately feel at home because “Dis n Lekker Plek Die”.
- 4x4
4x4 is known as the corridor with the most spirit and the corridor that always shows up. This is the fourth floor of Karlien. It is a tradition rich corridor which takes hierarchy very seriously. At 4x4 we like to do things differently and that is what makes us so unique. Our corridor colours are light grey, teal blue and white.
- Vyfstêr
Floor five of Karlien is known as Vyfstêr. A corridor with a lot of traditions, spirit and friends who became family. Vyfstêr is not just a corridor, but a home built on a foundation based on family where everyone is welcomed with open arms.
- Festivus
Festivus is on floor 6, and is known for being the most competitive corridor during internal residence events such as sport week and arts week. “Wie’s bang”: It is our corridor slogan and one of our biggest traditions. The Festivus bus is our corridor mascot and stays in the corridor HC’s room. No first year may have it on them or have it in their rooms.
- Du Hast Mich (DHM)
Du Hast Mich is the top floor of Karlien. Here you will get the best view over Potchefstroom from our balcony. We are known as the pink corridor and our theme is Spring. Our corridor is decorated with flowers everywhere which resembles the new season of your life when arriving at university and here at Karlien.
Additional Facilities:
Washing rooms
Each corridor has a washing room that contains one washing machine and one tumble dryer, except for BonAmiE (floor 3) and DHM (floor 7) that have 2 washing machines and 2 tumble dryers each. Every washing room has drying racks where you can leave your washing to dry during the day. We use a system on each corridor where each lady can “shoot” for a time slot in which they are available to wash their washing at their own time