“Welcome to the North-West University! Student life will probably be a very different experience from that which you are used to. You will need to accept new responsibilities and develop much greater self-reliance. This may be challenging. I do though have good news for you. You are now part of a larger NWU community. Whether you reside in a university residence, a flat or other private accommodation, you are just as much a part of the NWU as any other student. This is your new home. Our academics and support staff are all here to provide a caring and supportive environment for you. Please make use of the services we offer. Come and discuss any challenges with us. We are really here to assist you. Engage with fellow-students and be part of student life in all its many facets. Never think that this is only meant for others. You have made it to here; now grab every good opportunity university life offers. Of course I have to remind you that in final analysis your academic success takes priority. We want you to succeed, but you have to take co-responsibility for this. Stay focused and try not to be overwhelmed. Attend classes faithfully. Tackle each assignment or project without delay, but pace yourself. This is a marathon, not a 100-meters sprint. Keep running. Remember, it all starts here – but only if you participate,” Prof Dan Kgwadi, Vice-Chancellor