2025 Application FAQs

Contact us!

WhatsApp number: +27 (0) 60 070 2606 | SMS number: 31750 | NWU Call Centre: 0860 169 698 | E-mail: studies@nwu.ac.za | Interest-Index

When do the NWU’s applications open each year?

NWU’s applications open annually on the 1 April.

When do NWU’s applications close?

The closing date for selection courses is 30 June 2025.

For all other courses and residence applications, the closing date is 31 August 2025.

What is the application fee?

New (first-time) international students are required to pay a fee of R600. Current international students are exempt from paying application fees if they apply for postgraduate studies at NWU.

What are the admission requirements?

To view the admission requirements for our undergraduate qualifications or degrees, visit: https://studies.nwu.ac.za/undergraduate-studies/fields-study.

How can calculate my APS?

The APS Calculator is used for NSC, ISS and SACAI results.  If you make use of another foreign school system, please download the following document for more information. A conversion table is included in the document to assist you with calculating your APS.

Use our online APS calculator: https://studies.nwu.ac.za/studies/aps-calculator  

How do I apply for the residences?

Applications for residence placement open 1 April 2025 and close 31 August 2025.

  1. Apply for residence placement by selecting “Yes” on the “Additional Information” screen of the application platform during the admission process.
  2. After accepting your conditional offer, you can indicate your top three (3) residence preferences and motivate your application.

Please note: the residence options available will be based on the campus where you received your conditional offer.

For more information, visit: https://studies.nwu.ac.za/studies/residences

What is a town residence and how does it operate?

Students who do not reside in on-campus residences (such as those living in rooms, apartments, outside rooms, or with their parents) can engage in organised student life by joining a “town residence”.
Town residences operate similarly to traditional on-campus residences and follow the same organizational structure and guidelines.

Does NWU accept late applications?

No, NWU does not accept late applications.

If you’ve missed the application deadlines, register on the government initiative, the Central Applications Clearing House (CACH): https://www.gov.za/services/central-applications-clearing-house#. The CACH facility will send your information to universities with potentially available spots. If you meet the necessary criteria, these institutions may contact to you.

Can I change my course after I have applied?

No, you can only apply once per academic year. Carefully consider your two study choices to ensure that you meet the bachelor’s degree pass requirements, admission criteria, and that they align with your career goals

During the amendment period in their first academic year, accepted students may change their qualification. However, admission is not guaranteed and depends on the available spaces.

Can I use a birth certificate for my application?

No, you must provide an ID for your application.

What does it mean when my financial undertaking form is approved?

It means you’re on the right track for your admission to North-West University. Your conditional offer and approved financial undertaking form indicate that you’ve met the initial requirements. The final step is to verify your matric results to confirm your admission status. If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask.

Is the application process the same for NCV students?

The application process for NCV students may have some differences, so we recommend reaching out to our admissions team for specific guidance at studies@nwu.ac.za.

What is the meaning of application verified?

“Application verified” means that we have checked and confirmed the information you submitted in your application, such as your academic qualifications and any other required documents. It indicates that your application has been reviewed and accepted based on the provided information.

Why does my application status keep saying Application Submitted?

Your application is still under review by the admissions office. This process can take some time. If you’re concerned or need more information, it’s recommended to contact the Admissions Office directly for a detailed update on your application status. The status will change after your application has been evaluated.

How do long do I have to accept the conditional offer?

You have 15 days to accept your conditional offer. If you miss the offer deadline, the offer is forfeited and NWU is not able to reissue your conditional offer.

What happens after receiving a conditional offer from North-West University?

After receiving a conditional offer from North-West University, you will receive your final acceptance once your final Grade 12 results are available. NWU automatically receives these results from the Department of Education. If you meet the qualification requirements, you will receive an offer of admission via SMS and email in January 2025. It is then up to you to accept or reject this offer and proceed to register.

What is the next step after the financial undertaking form is approved?

After your financial undertaking form is approved, the next step is to wait for the final offer from North-West University. Once you receive the final offer, you can proceed to accept it.

Where can I download the PR02 form and how can I upload it?

The PR02 form is to confirm that the applicant for ACT or Grade R is teaching at a school. It needs to be signed by the principal and submitted with the online application. You can find the PR02 forms under the 'Applying for ACT or Grade R?' column at http://distance.nwu.ac.za/applyonline. For more assistance or information, you can contact Distance Learning at http://distance.nwu.ac.za/contact_us.

How can I correct the wrong results I recorded in my application?

Please contact the application helpdesk at: Email: studies@nwu.ac.za to resolve your enquiry.

Does a conditional offer guarantee a space at the university?

A conditional offer does not guarantee a space at our university. It means you meet the initial requirements, but final acceptance depends on meeting all the conditions specified in the offer. Keep working hard!

Can I get a quote for studies?

First-time applicants will receive a fee quotation upon acceptance of the conditional offer and again upon acceptance of the final offer.

How can I apply for bursaries?

Information on bursaries is available at: https://studies.nwu.ac.za/studies/bursaries-and-loans. If you have specific questions or would like to apply, you can contact the following email addresses based on your campus:

Once you have been accepted, apply for a bursary on the Student Portal (https://sisportal-100997.campusnexus.cloud/cmcportal) and go to the “My Bursaries” category.

For sports bursaries, visit: https://studies.nwu.ac.za/financial-support-services/bursaries-undergraduate-studies

Where can I check my NSFAS status?

NSFAS operates independently, and NWU only receives a list of successful applicants and then opens their accounts for registration. To check your NSFAS status, please visit the official NSFAS website: https://www.nsfas.org.za/content/index.html

How and where do I apply for NSFAS?

Visit: https://my.nsfas.org.za/mynsfas/selfservice.html for information on NSFAS. If you don’t have access to online resources, you are welcome to visit any tertiary institution that will assist you in applying for NSFAS online.

Please ensure that you have a valid email address, cell phone number and the required supporting documents.

When will I receive feedback from Funza Lushaka?

Funza Lushaka operates independently, and NWU only receives confirmation of successful applicants towards the end of March. If you haven’t heard from them, please visit the official Funza Lushaka website: http://www.funzalushaka.doe.gov.za/ to enquire about the status of your application.

When are the NWU Open Days?

NWU’s campus open days for 2025 are as follows:

  • Mahikeng Campus: 10 May 2025
  • Potchefstroom Campus: 17 May 2025
  • Vanderbijlpark Campus: 24 May 2025

For more information, please visit: https://studies.nwu.ac.za/open-days

Can I get information on how to take a psychometric test in order to make subject choices?

You can book a career guidance session using the Student Counselling & Development (SCD) Consultation Form. You can also complete our Interest-Index survey for assistance.

Can I still qualify to study at NWU, if I have studied at another institution?

When you apply, you still need to add your matric certificate along with the academic record from your current institution. The faculty will decide on admission and credits.

How long does it take to get feedback after applying?

We aim to reply as quickly as possible, but we receive a large number of applications. This also depends on whether all the relevant documents have been submitted and the timeframe in which you apply.

For which courses do I qualify?

If you’re unsure about which course to pursue, you can begin with our Interest-Index tool. It will help identify potential qualifications based on your interests. Afterward, you can explore our faculty pages for details about our courses and their respective admission requirements.

I am disabled or need additional support. Who can I contact or where can I register for it?

During the online application process there is a section during the process where this information can be captured. You are also welcome to contact Thuso at 018 299 1777.

Do I have to write the NBTs? How does selection work at the NWU?

No, NWU does not make use of NBT tests. For our selection procedure, visit: https://studies.nwu.ac.za/undergraduate-studies/selection

My application was unsuccessful due to capacity limitations. What does this mean?

Please note that, owing to specific capacity constraints, the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements will not automatically be admitted to the courses in question. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study, students will be selected on the basis of their Grade 12 results for admission to these fields.

If I did a Diploma in Grade R teaching, do I qualify for ACT in foundation phase?

While a Diploma in Grade R teaching is valuable, the Advanced Certificate in Teaching (ACT) in the Foundation Phase typically requires a Bachelor of Education (BEd) in Foundation Phase for Grade R – 3. It is recommended to contact the Faculty of Education for precise information regarding eligibility. For further assistance, visit http://studies.nwu.ac.za/undergraduate-studies/fields-study to view the minimum admission requirements for studying Education.