Although a new set of General Academic Rules (commonly know as the A Rules) was approved in November 2023, not all of the new rules are operational yet:
Effective from 01 January 2024
- Section 1: General provisions Rules 1.1 to 1.8
- Section 2: Provisions for undergraduate qualifications Rule 2.1 and Rule 2.2
- Section 3: Provisions for the bachelor honours degree and the postgraduate diploma Rule 3.1 and Rule 3.2
- Section 4: Provisions for general and professional master’s degrees Rule 4.2, Rule 4.3, Rule 4.4 and Rule 4.5
- Section 5: Provisions for research and professional doctoral degrees Rule 5.2 and Rule 5.5.
Effective from 01 January 2025 NWU General Academic Rules fully effective
The ‘old’ A Rules dealing with termination of studies are thus still in force.
Economic and Management Sciences
Postgraduate (Honours, Masters, PhD)
Undergraduate (new)
Undergraduate (phasing out)